Showing posts with label GlobalCoin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GlobalCoin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Facebook Reportedly Launching "Project Libra" GlobalCoin Cryptocurrency in 2020

Facebook reportedly aims to release its GlobalCoin cryptocurrency in 2020 under its “Project Libra” scheme. The news follows on from information that Mark Zuckerberg had met with the Bank of England’s governor Mark Carney in April to discuss the risks involved with launching a cryptocurrency.

The social media platform is aiming to test its GlobalCoin system by the end of 2019 and expects to roll out its digital payments system in approximately 12 countries worldwide by Q1 2020. Facebook has reportedly sought input from the US Treasury in regards to operational and regulatory issues and is also in talks with Western Union, working with them to develop cheaper and easier ways for people to send and receive money.

Users of Facebook’s GlobalCoin cryptocurrency will not require a bank account, allowing people to exchange multiple currencies into digital coins via banks and brokers which enable Facebook’s new network. The soon-coming currency will run with blockchain technology — information which is stored across a network of computers — and will be held online in digital wallets that were designed to increase security and anonymity for users.

While the world waits for updates on Facebook’s latest development, read what the US Senate and Banking committee had to say to Zuckerberg about its plans for consumer protection and data security.

In other news, Whatsapp is introducing ads and may get rid of end-to-end encryption.
